Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6

Sunday, March 20, 2011

The tradition continues!

There is no better way to spend a gorgeous Saturday then at Compass Lake with your family.  My grandparents built this lake house, and now a 4th generation has had the opportunity to sink there toes into the "healing" waters.  I have so many memories at the lake and it has been my favorite place to vacation and spend time with family since I was a little girl.  From the looks of it, Charlie has fallen in love with the lake as well.
Side note from Charlie: 
Dear Dad, 
I hate that you could not be at the lake with us this past weekend, but I decided to go ahead and start making my first birthday list.  So far, I have boat.  Missed you!
Love Charlie

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Pool Party!

Spring has sprung here in Auburn, AL...or at least for the weekend.  I went ahead and gave Charlie his pool, which I had purchased to go in his Easter basket, but we really wanted to spend the day outside.  Charlie LOVES the water, and what I thought would be a good 30 minutes of entertainment, turned into a full day outside!  Does he look like he had a good time?

Sunday, February 13, 2011

A Day at the Park!

After taking a 2 month accidental hiatus from the blogging world, I am back!  So many things have happened over the past few months that deserve blogs of their I am going to start today by posting pictures of our trip to the park, and gradually catch up on the life changing moments that I have missed.  Just a little taste...Rich and I are expecting another little boy, William Wilson, on June 30, and I have started a new job.  Charlie is ALL over the place and about 2 seconds away from walking on his own. have missed out on a lot!  Here are a few pictures of our trip to the park today.  Charlie loves to swing, and I did not realize how much he LOVES playing in the sand.  It was such a sweet moment to watch him exploring in the sand, because he has not been to the beach since he was about 4 months old (he did manage to eat two hand fulls of sand while we played).  How quickly we forget about the beautiful, little things nature has to offer in our hectic everyday lives.  

Monday, December 13, 2010

Sneak Peak

of our weekend!  More pictures will follow this week!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

O Christmas Tree!

Picking out the perfect tree for Charlie's First Christmas! A special thank you to my sister, Katie, for putting the lights on my tree while I decorated the rest of the house!  I love you!

A Point Clear Thanksgiving

I have fallen in love with Point Clear, AL.  Well maybe not so much Point Clear, but the beautiful home that belongs to Rich's Aunt Monie and Uncle James.  It is tucked back off scenic 98, with an infinity pool,  an outdoor fireplace, and a deck that sits right on the creek.  The house is full of art, fine wine, and interesting pieces from around the world.  LOTS of character!  It quickly became my favorite place to "escape."  Uncle James is an amazing cook, and the company is always delightful.  I was so excited to share this experience with Charlie for his first Thanksgiving.  And...28-27... the score of the Alabama/Auburn game... just made the weekend that much more special.  WAR EAGLE!
 Charlie's First Thanksgiving
 War Eagle!
 Auburn vs. Alabama 2010 (28-27)
 Uncle Will and Aunt KiKi
 Uncle James and Charlie
 Charlie's first fire, and he LOVED it!
 Exhausted after the long game!
 My spit face...I love to blow spit bubbles all over my face!
 Aunt Monie and Charlie...War Eagle!
 He loves this dog.
 Happy Early Birthday Uncle James!
Thanks for having us.  We had an amazing time and loved spending time with ya'll!